It’s been a long time, now,
And the streams that were ditched
And then dug to sink drains
Have cut their routes back through
The cracked stones, back to air.
All those lives, all those years
Since the brick walls of Ur,
Since the tombs, since the mounds,
Since the Greeks and the Han
First moaned how all kings fell,
How small, wild lives ran wild
Through sunk halls roofed in sky,
You dreamed of this, that day
When what’s done would be done
For good and all, no more.
You dreamed, and you were wrong—
New lords rose through new halls.
Each time, new towns grew huge
And made lost towns look small.
Each time poems hoped, It’s done—
It’s gone—they won’t come back—
They came. Well, not next time.
Next time, wrecked courts will hold,
And all fresh streams run raw.