We pause to think on these, our kin,
These words, these names—to waste, to save—
To think on what you’ve done with them,
You who made them, own them, use them.
Have you saved all that you might have?
Did you waste what you meant to save?
You stashed what you worked hard to save.
Use none of it, and you’ll waste it.
You sent what you saved to a judge
Who seemed to think it was a waste.
You hid what you saved from a judge,
And now you think it was a waste.
You saved all your waste. You were crazed.
You burned it all. It went to waste.
You begged your god your soul to save.
You felt you were lost in the waste.
We could waste time with this all day.
We could type it out and hit save.
Names stay kin. Kin can be two-faced.
We’re sort of waste. You’re sort of saved.