One day, you think how the world goes down.
You might spin your dream plan to hide out,
To ride it out, off the grid. Yeh, that.
Take your kid. Your fad-trained, fun-skilled kid.
Most things you prep for don’t go down.
Most things you schooled for you don’t use.
A few you do. A few you skipped.
Those haunt you like ghost aunts, old scolds.
If you’ve got a kid, you sweat
What it is the kid should learn.
What a kid sweats won’t go down.
What kids most want to skip counts.
It’s hours. It’s months. It’s years.
You’re old, and your kid’s grown.
More cards than you could hold
Fall to a few-card hand.
What should you do now?
You scold your kid’s kid.
Your sibs’ kids. Your sibs.
Who’s the ghost scold now?
The game goes down.
Not what you thought.
Let’s get you prepped.
Just a few more
Things to go.
Your cards shrink.
Two more rounds.
One more.
You shrink