It’s a hard blue sky when the wind stops,
A blue that’s not just clear, pale, and bare
But wall-like, shell-like, lid-like, cell-like,
And like none of those things. So so bright.
So here we are, lined up to take note
Of a rare kind of sky in your eyes.
No haze. Not one faint flag of cloud. Blue
Hard as the heart of that god you built
To prove to your souls you could be hard,
Hard as the way, as the lives of nuns
In a world mad for monks, hard as time,
One of us, a word you made up. Why?
We would watch you if we could, to see
If you just once could be struck by us
And cry a blue as hard as this sky,
The way this blue strikes you so hard you
Cry us. You call out or curse, us, us!
We are all you can do to such blue.