These lines wove a mat, a raft,
That then broke off in the waves
To float free from a large world,
A rich world of far more lives
Than you see here in one place.
Not a life-boat or space-ship,
Not an ark with well picked-out
Pairs and clear culls to catch all
The full range from home writ small,
This mat is wrack, like the trash
Ring that spins waste in the sea,
Like the spray of weeds torn off
From the coast by a great storm
And mixed with what washed down streams
And what the tides brought back up.
It’s a mess, but it floats free.
Should it reach a plug of stone
Kicked up from the core, half-cooled,
It might wash up on that shore
And hold fast, a torn, green glop
Of words and minds, some of which
Could crawl off and find new life,
Birth new lines, new kinds. That spit
Of raw land could have its own,
One day—things that came to be
Right there on the once bare stones.