Friday, April 30, 2021

O We Are Wild

There’ll be time for worlds
That have no more words.
We seem like gnats now,
A cloud at your ears
That won’t leave you be,

And we buzz and nip
To get sips of sweat,
Skin, and blood from you,
And you can’t get clear
Of us, but we’ll go.

We’ll go soon, leave you,
If you don’t go first.
O, we are wild, so
Wild, you just don’t know.
We’ll fly off to feed

In new worlds we’ve made
In our acts of flight,
The way we made you
When we came to you.
That’s one way we’re not

Like life, not like you.
We make our own way.
We feed from our worlds
We make as these signs
We’re wild here. Let’s eat.