Jove’s been the dawn star this month,
His turn to be the bad one,
Bright one, god of gods in one
Set of myths, bad son of god
A few lands east of those myths.
But who still sees light like this,
Now that that first faith is gone,
Is a myth for the word myth,
And its first first faith makes do
With a world in which these tales
Have been plucked up by their roots
To pot where it’s warm and safe
In the souls of those who don’t
Think too much on stars and myths,
Just on God and what to do.
On the far side of the world,
He ruled as one lord of five,
And he moved his house all night.
He was that there and this here,
Here and there, where each group made
Tales that made souls of night’s lights.
Now what is he? A gas sphere
To which the broods of those same
Folks who told tales send out drones.