Flesh and blood and what-not,
Call it truth or God’s truth,
You want to win, you want
Your tribe, the best, to win.
Thanks to wants, the worst tribes
All get their chance to win,
And you know the worst is
You and in you and in
Your truth as much as them.
It’s why you run so deep,
Glow fish in your own depths,
Ringed by your own kind, safe,
When you can, when you can.
It’s dark, and you’re a small
Glow made to hunt the dark.
Strange, though, it’s down here,
Far from those whom you fear,
Where you fear them the most,
The ones like you you can’t
See, the vague thought that those
Glows are theirs and not yours.
Who knows how deep night goes,
Which armed camps are lit most,
And whose God’s eyes will show?