If a sage or a point came to a way
In a green wood where the path turned, it would
Not fork. The sage would see there’s just one way.
The point would think of the shade and ghost points
In all the worlds of all the worlds at once,
Act like a wave and turn up as a point
On the far side of the way through the woods.
Had the sage stood in thought, or the point could,
Then, yes, one might have made a choice of way
And lived with the choice, sighed, but not come back.
But a sage is a bead that stays on track,
Back and forth, two ways as one way, that’s that,
And a point’s not a point at all if not
Looked at to take note if it stayed on track.
It’s just the woods that stay that stand in waves,
Then sigh and turn, fall one way, and are black.