Time is not rare. Time is not just
Lost in math and found in poems.
Time is the most used noun you use.
Pop songs die to try to rhyme it.
Wolf’s milk is rare. Wolf’s milk’s the kind
Of phrase you find in texts on slime
Molds and their folk nouns, if you are
The kind to like texts on slime molds
And/or folk nouns. Odds are you aren’t,
Or odds are you aren’t if you aren’t
The kind to read this kind of poem.
Of course. And aren’t you sick of time?
All those sad rhymes that chime with mine.
Molds have more to yield—what they are,
What they look like to your eyes, how
They die by lot to save the few
At the cost of most of the lot.
Slime molds can solve a lot of loss
Through teams, and teams are how you, too,
Win and lose. You, slime, all this time.