Would you like to bring us news?
We who have been left have faith,
Weird faith, that the dead want news
From us of life. Why would you?
We don’t know a thing of you
In your no place of the gone.
Why would you not have some news,
Much news, all the real, new news?
We make, some of us, the trip,
The long trip to the Wind Phone,
Where three hours can pass in talk
To the air, the gone, the dead,
And most folk come with their news
To share with their lost loved ones.
Do you come, do you come close,
If not to the phone, the wind,
And want, and ache to talk back,
To give us all the real news
We need to know, the hard news
That you’re not there, the good news
That one day we won’t be here,
One day we won’t need the wind?