Friday, September 25, 2020

And When the Last Had Come There Was No Door

Red, it’s said, takes up more
Time in the mind than blue.

But time in mind is just
What mind thinks will come next.

When it’s wrong, there’s no time
Or too much time. What’s next?

I saw days like bright lights,
Blurs hard to fix as points,

Each one on the path straight
To a hole in the ground,

And I thought, I’ll find out
Where that hole might lead me.

I like caves. I’m not scared.
So I joined the long line

Of days, and I could feel
My own head glow with light,

But I felt that glow shift
A bit from red to blue,

And I knew. By the time
I get to it, the door

Will be closed. Now, I watch
The days go, blissed to see

That, though they all do go,
There is no—was no—door.