Saturday, January 30, 2021

V Less E Plus F

It’s hard not to wish
To read what is wise.

Smart folks want the wise.
Dumb folks want the wise.

Some of the worst fools,
Like us, want the wise.

Scan the shelves. No. No.
Not much there is wise.

The whole store of wise,
All the books and texts,

All the shelves and art,
Or the whole mess packed

In one and null strings—
Count each edge, each face,

Each point of a turn,
And then take the first

From the last and add
The face count—how much

Is wise, all in all?
What’s the shape of wise?

Two? One? None? Not much
More or less than that

Is wise. It would soothe
Us to know the right

Signs to make us wise.