Let’s guess you work at a desk,
Have worked at desks, on and off,
Most of your life, more or less.
Not a bad bet. We can guess
There are times when your back aches,
Your eyes feel strained, your head hurts.
Yes? So, what do you do then?
You lift up your eyes and stretch.
You take your mind off your desk,
Strange beast lost in thoughts and texts.
You might take note of the world
That is not to do with desks.
That’s all we ask. Just like that.
Shift your thoughts from your own flesh,
From the up-close aches and sins
Of a beast, and look at life
Or, best, at what is and is
Not life. Pause. Stretch. Breathe deep. Ask,
Could it be these words have things
To speak they don’t speak for us,
They mean they don’t mean for us?