You don’t own them. They own you.
We own you, if you know us.
Know what we mean? Then we do.
Ten lives since, lived end to end,
A saint said a scribe just wrote—
A real source used his own words.
You’re all scribes in that case, caught
In the thick of fog and smoke
Brought to life by world and words.
The world is a real source—or
Each word, each phrase is a source.
But you are not a source. You
Are a host, an inn, a course
Through which words run from a source
Through more hosts down to the sea.
At most, you are a force field,
A field of play that shapes flows
Of words, a weir or a dam.
But you know all this, don’t you?
You’re tired of this, tired of us.
Fine. Say it in your own words.