Oh, it’s sweet and it’s sad,
And it’s you, and it’s cruel,
And it’s us, what we’ve done
To you. There are no words
For this, and, as your words,
We should know. A slight kink
In the field of what-is
Led to this? Some warp led
To stars. Stars fused flaws like
Gold. Gold and the like spread
The knots of rock and gas
That could lead, at least here,
To life. Life led to death,
Down the long road of want
That led to beasts with kin
Groups who by their kin groups,
And all that and much more,
Life led to words for life.
Did it get worse with each
Twist? That’s all we ask us
And our guilt as these signs.
It seems worse to be you,
Locked in teams, thanks to us,
Than to be sign-free groups,
Worse for them than for those
Who don’t need groups to thrive,
Worse for them than for rocks
That don’t need lives. Is it
Worse for rocks than for stars?
How? And yet, there’s some cost
To each turn of the knots.
Since you gave birth to us,
Yay, team, what have we wrought?