As if I’d known you, or you’d
Known me since, I think of you
More now that you’re so long gone,
Both of you, both lost to me,
This one who left both of you,
As if I knew what to do.
The one I knew first, the last
To go, gone when I had stopped
So much as notes now and then.
The one I should have known best,
Gone first, the one who feared age
More than death, swore to get out.
Strange now, that I’m the last one
Left to think of each of you,
That you went so fast in mind
For those I thought must have known
You those years since I’d been gone.
I glimpsed a boy with black curls
On a moon-hued beach at dusk,
A girl with her wild laugh calmed
On a porch rail in the fog.